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Ошибка базы данных при переносе сайта

00 голосов
Переношу сайта с локали на хостинг. Зависаю на втором шаге: когда указывается имя, логин и пароль базы.
Ошибка такая:
Error! mysql_connect('-', '-', '-')
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

При этом, если гружу сайт в браузере, то вижу следующее описание ошибки:
Error! mysql_connect('-', '-', '-')
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
FILE: /bhome/part3/02/vh21912/beringltd.com/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/main.php
LINE: 101
MySQL Query Error: SELECT L.*, L.LID as ID, L.LID as SITE_ID FROM b_lang L WHERE L.ACTIVE='Y' ORDER BY LENGTH(L.DIR) DESC, L.DOMAIN_LIMITED DESC, SORT [Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)]

Помогите, плиз.
спросил 08 Июнь, 13 от Musel (160 баллов)
Ich bin gegen covid 19. Was ist deine Meinung? mituns
i am so satisfacted. greetings wally
hi, i am woo from Sweden and i want to explain any thing about "pandemic". Please ask me :)
i am so satisfacted.my english is poor, sorry :). thx for approving my user greetings wally

Informative Tips on Finding A great Desktop Computer For A great Deal

When buying a computer, you may enter the accretion and see rows and rows of desktop machines. This can leave you feeling vertigo as you attempt to decipher which is your best bet. on the other hand of facing this dilemma, use the tips under to craft a plan which helps you get a great deal.

When searching for a desktop computer be distinct to shop around. in the manner of the growing popularity of laptops, tablets, and mobile devices, desktops have fallen out of favor. As such, sales are struggling. Use this to your advantage and look for the best deals out there bearing in mind purchasing a other desktop computer.

If you later playing games online and desire to purchase a gaming computer, you infatuation to remember some things. create definite the computer has a video card that's good, a memory of a minimum of 4 GB, and a truth display that's high. There are plus keyboards that are build up to maximize your experience.

As you see for the right desktop computer for your needs, pay close attention to your expected type of Internet relationship as well as whether or not a potential desktop model has a modem. If you are not competent to be close to to broadband due to your location, you will need a modem. Otherwise, you can buy a computer that does not have one.

If you desire to keep money on your desktop computer, see into buying a refurbished model. These computers are ones that have been total at the factory and are often offered at a steep discount. These are usually offered by the computer brands upon their own websites, so consent a look past you buy a new computer.

If you want to extend the vigor of your potential desktop computer, create sure you pick one that is upgradeable. There are more than a few desktops these days that seal access to the inner workings of the machine. That means no expertise to upgrade. Check that you've got entry prior to buying.

If you need a more powerful computer, look in areas listed as "gaming" or "entertainment" computers. These will have more RAM and faster processors which can handle these tasks. If you buy a computer listed as an "everyday" machine, you'll locate that it just doesn't sentient occurring to your needs.

Try online comparison shopping subsequently you obsession a desktop computer. Using comparison sites that work what a definite model offers across fused brands can back up you you decide where to buy. It can along with keep you a lot of money. sure sites may meet the expense of useful additions and free shipping.

The computer world keeps changing, and a desktop computer is now cheaper than a lot of laptops. You can acquire a great computer for below 500 dollars. purchase it from a trusted accretion to ensure that full preserve is offered.

When buying a used computer, be certain to assume it apart to check every of its components. look at the ports, the prosecution and the boards inside to look if whatever obvious is wrong. Don't know what to look for? Check out Google Images back you go to the seller.

Find out if the desktop computer you want has included programs. You obsession to know what they are. You obsession to know if it has a word processor or spreadsheet program that you will use. This is important to many for their work. Also, find out if the software included are full versions or demos. The demos expire after 30 or 90 days, which require you to purchase the full versions yourself.

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8 Ответы

00 голосов
а базу то создали на хостинге?
ответил 08 Июнь, 13 от Shilen (900 баллов)
00 голосов
Добрый день,
Мария Синицына пишет:
Зависаю на втором шаге: когда указывается имя, логин и пароль базы.

Вам надо уточнить у администратора сервера парамтеры доступа БД: хост, логин, пароль, название БД.
ответил 17 Июнь, 13 от JIETYHOK (2,260 баллов)
00 голосов
Теперь новая проблема. Второй шаг вроде бы проходит, но на главной странице сайта я вижу следующее:

File: /bhome/part3/02/vh21912/beringltd.com/www/bitrix/modules/statistic/classes/mysql/statistic.php
Line: 596
MySQL Query Error: SELECT D.ID FROM b_stat_day D WHERE D.DATE_STAT=CURDATE()[Table 'vh21912.b_stat_day' doesn't exist]

DB query error.
Please try later.

Как с этим бороться? В чем проблема?
ответил 20 Сен, 13 от Musel (160 баллов)
00 голосов
Была такая проблема: если не переносить статистику - не создавались таблицы модуля. В обновлениях решено.
Решается просто: отключите статистику в dbconn.php

и переустановите модуль. После этого строку из dbconn.php можно убрать.

Если будут проблемы, пожалуйста, пишите в техподдержку.
ответил 19 Дек, 13 от Olly (820 баллов)
00 голосов
Мария, у меня только что была такая проблема. Вам нужно перенести на хост MySql базу.
Посмотрите http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/community/forums/forum6/topic18577/
ответил 04 Апр, 14 от asagava (680 баллов)
00 голосов
Добрый день,

Готовы помочь с восстановлением базы данных на новом сервере в рамках. тех. поддержки:
ответил 27 Июль, 14 от JIETYHOK (2,260 баллов)
00 голосов
Со статистикой разобралась, просто включив ее в архив. Но одна проблема видимо цепляет другую. Откуда ноги растут не пойму. Все делаю по инструкции, откуда ошибки возникают?

File: /bhome/part3/02/vh21912/beringltd.com/www/bitrix/modules/statistic/classes/mysql/stoplist.php
Line: 238
MySQL Query Error: SELECT ID, MESSAGE, MESSAGE_LID, SAVE_STATISTIC, URL_REDIRECT, TEST FROM b_stop_list WHERE ACTIVE='Y' and TEST='N' and (SITE_ID = 's0' or SITE_ID is null or length(SITE_ID)<=0) and (DATE_START<=now() or DATE_START is null) and (DATE_END>=now() or DATE_END is null) and ((((MASK_1 & 93)=IP_1 and (MASK_2 & 185)=IP_2 and (MASK_3 & 182)=IP_3 and (MASK_4 & 204)=IP_4) or (IP_1 is null and IP_2 is null and IP_3 is null and IP_4 is null)) and (upper('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/530.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/530.5') like concat('%',upper(USER_AGENT),'%') or length(USER_AGENT)<=0 or USER_AGENT is null) and (116=0 or USER_AGENT_IS_NULL<>'Y') and (upper('') like concat('%',upper(URL_FROM),'%') or length(URL_FROM)<=0 or URL_FROM is null) and (upper('http://www.beringltd.com:3389/') like concat('%',upper(URL_TO),'%') or length(URL_TO)<=0 or URL_TO is null) ) [Table 'vh21912.b_stop_list' doesn't exist]
ответил 29 Ноя, 14 от Musel (160 баллов)
00 голосов
Ребята, помогите, пожалуйста. Что такое stoplist.php и почему там возникает ошибка? :cry:
ответил 24 Март, 15 от Musel (160 баллов)

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